An election will be held at the 2023 Representative Assembly (RA) for the following NSO Executive Committee positions serving a two-year term. Terms begin at the conclusion of the 2023 RA and end at the conclusion of the 2025 RA.
Regional Director 1
Regional Director 3
Regional Director 5
Regional Director 7
At-Large Director (Associate)
At-Large Director (Professional)
Any active NSO member is eligible to run for the above-mentioned positions. In accordance with the NSO Constitution and Bylaws, a candidate must submit a petition signed by at least three NSO members and submit such petition to the NSO Secretary no later than June 9th at 10:00 a.m. (Article VIII, Section 1) See your Affiliate President, or contact the NSO Secretary, to receive a copy of the Candidate’s Petition.
Furthermore, any member may be nominated from the floor at the annual Representative Assembly, accompanied by a petition with the signature of three (3) members, for any officer to be so elected, provided the nominees are members in good standing of this Organization. (Article VIII, Section 2)
Further rules and regulations can be found in the President’s Handbook under NSO Campaign Rules and Election Regulations.