United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

In 1979, the National Staff Organization authorized a pilot project for Coordinated Bargaining among states in the Great Lakes Corridor. The success of the program caused NSO to expand to four Coordinated Bargaining Councils encompassing the entire United States. Each CBC develops guidelines, goals and minimum standards for their specific region and monitor bargaining of their member affiliates. Additionally, the CBCs provide support and assistance in bargaining and crisis situations. Mutual Aid Pacts have been adopted by the CBCs that provide for strategies and assistance to help an affiliate achieve a settlement. The CBCs are co-chaired by two members of the NSO Executive Committee.

The 1985 Representative Assembly of NSO adopted “Guidelines for Assistance” requiring that “affiliation with NSO constitutes automatic membership in a CBC.” To that end, the 1986 RA adopted a policy of an “Affiliate in Good Standing” requiring that affiliates, “shall also abide by the guidelines and procedures adopted by the CBC of which it is a member. Should the appropriate CBC determine that an affiliate is not in compliance with this definition, recommendations for action shall be referred to the Executive Committee through the CBC co-chairs.”

In 1987, the RA demonstrated its commitment by adopting a policy for enforcement of the Affiliate in Good Standing policy:

“In order to effectively enforce the ‘Affiliate in good Standing’ policy adopted by the 1986 NSO Representative Assembly, the following disciplinary actions may be taken against those affiliates not complying with the constitution and bylaws of NSO including all policies adopted by the RA and the guidelines and procedures adopted by the CBC of which it is a member.

“Should the appropriate CBC determine that an affiliate is not in compliance with this definition, recommendations for action should be referred to the Executive Committee through the CBC co-chairs.

“Disciplinary action shall be uniform and progressive and may include: withholding of crisis fund moneys, withholding of any kind of assistance, fines levied against the affiliate, censorship. Action shall be taken only after the CBC co-chairs have contacted the affiliate and encouraged the affiliate’s compliance with the guidelines and procedures adopted by the CBC.”

The 1988 RA directed the NSO Executive Committee to make recommendations for strengthening the functions of the CBCs. These recommendations include a broadened emphasis on training to be developed by and through the CBCs for topics specific to the region: e.g., disputes on salary placement may lead to a specialized training program and redeveloped goals and minimum standards in this area.

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