United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend


Coordinated Bargaining Council Guidelines

Preface #

To the end collectively we can achieve contractual benefits and gains which are unattainable as individuals, and that the collective sharing of information and resources generates power, the NSO has determined that all NSO affiliates are required to belong to a coordinated bargaining council.

The coordinated bargaining council hereby has developed and has adopted the following National Guidelines:

  1. Affiliates shall participate in their designated Coordinated Bargaining Council and shall have two (2)-voting representatives on the bargaining council. The representatives shall be the chief negotiator of the affiliate and the president or his/her designee. All inclusive affiliates may designate one (1) additional permanent representative who is a member of the affiliate’s bargaining team to ensure both professional and associate staff representation.
  2. The NSO will appoint two (2) members of the Executive Committee who will serve as Co- Chairs of the Bargaining Council.
  3. Each Coordinated Bargaining Council (CBC) shall establish regional “Guidelines” and “Goals and Settlement Standards” and a “Mutual Defense Pact.”
  4. The CBC co-chairs shall select members to serve as facilitators.
  5. Each Coordinated Bargaining Council (CBC) will develop strategies to assist its members in achieving the minimum standards set by the CBC which may include, but are not limited to:
    • a common strike date
    • use of interstate bargaining team members
    • a common expiration date
    • targeting affiliates
    • selective job actions
    • crisis team
  6. Prior to commencing bargaining, every affiliate shall perform a contract analysis utilizing the CBC Goals & Settlement Standards. This analysis shall be attached to the proposals or interest statements upon initial submission to the facilitator.
  7. All members of the CBC will introduce language or interest statements consistent with Council adopted goals prior to going to the table.
  8. The NSO affiliate’s chief negotiator shall mail to its facilitator and co-chairs prior to bargaining: current contract, initial positions, and employer’s initial position at the commencement of bargaining. In the case of collaborative bargaining, the chief negotiator will report issues/concerns that reflect CBC Goals and Standards, and employer’s issues/concerns at the commencement of bargaining.
  9. Affiliates shall notify their facilitator of any waivers needed prior to reaching a tentative agreement on any item which does not meet settlement standards unless the affiliate is on strike or is scheduled to strike within 24 hours. The facilitator shall notify the co- chairs who shall arrange crisis assistance as needed.
  10. The total agreement shall be submitted to the facilitator prior to ratification by the affiliate. A final analysis utilizing the Goals and Settlement Standards shall be attached to the agreement. The facilitator will forward the documents to the co-chairs.
  11. The CBC facilitator and/or the CBC co-chairs shall have the right to communicate to the affiliate any issues/concerns related to the tentative agreement.
  12. If an affiliate is on a CBC-sanctioned strike in order to achieve the minimum standards adopted by the CBC, the CBC agrees to abide by the mutual aid strategies it develops in accordance with the CBC’s mutual defense pact.
  13. Affiliates which fail to cooperate with and participate in their designated CBC may be declined staff assistance and/or financial support from NSO.
  14. The CBC representatives of each CBC can adopt modifications to the purpose, guidelines, goals or strategies at any of the CBC meetings by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those representative’s present providing such modifications have been sent to the CBC affiliate representatives at least two (2) weeks prior the CBC meeting. Said modifications shall be forwarded to all other CBCs.

National NSO Goals & Settlement Standards #


Updated on February 5, 2024