United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend


Crisis Assistance Policy

Introduction #

Through the NSO Crisis Program, a Crisis Action Investigation will be conducted to provide financial and other assistance to an affiliate facing a bargaining crisis. (See NSO Crisis Policy)

The affiliate president should contact the NSO Vice-President for Program at least 60 days prior to any anticipated action. A Crisis Action Evaluation Team will make arrangements to conduct an on-site investigation with local leaders. Recommendations for assistance will be made to the NSO Executive Committee. The Crisis Investigation must be conducted prior to any disbursement of financial assistance from the NSO Charlie Love Crisis Fund.

The NSO Charlie Love Crisis Fund #

This fund was established to provide basic subsistence to members who face prolonged crisis situations. The 1982 NSO Representative Assembly adopted guidelines for operation and use of the Fund. Basically, the Fund’s operation is designed to help locals in both crisis preparation and strategies, and activities once the crisis begins. Crisis Fund financial assistance is authorized by the NSO Executive Committee in compliance with the NSO Crisis Policy. Procedures and guidelines are available through NSO Treasurer (treasurer@nationalstaff.org).

Crisis Organizing Financial Assistance #

Requests for financial assistance for crisis organizing, up to $2,500, can be made to the Regional Director.

Crisis Investigation Assessment Form #

No documents found.

Interest-Free Loans #

In addition to staff assistance, NSO has provided interest-free loans to affiliates that have been in prolonged strikes and lockouts. The NSO president has the authority to arrange an emergency defense loan if needed.

Vice-President of Program

Updated on February 17, 2024