United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend


Officers and Executive Committee Responsibilities/Expectations

President #

Preside at all official meetings of NSO (minimum of four Executive Committee meetings, one annual Representative Assembly, officer meetings as necessary) and perform duties customarily associated with the office. Prepare and submit an annual report on NSO activities to the Representative Assembly. Select com- mittee members with approval of Executive Committee and serves as ex-officio member of all committees other than the elections committee. Acts as official NSO representative with NEA and other organizations including outside contacts for financial services for members, etc. Assists all other officers and executive committee members in the discharge of their duties including arranging meeting sites, facilitates bargain- ing and training assistance, including on-site assistance, develops budget and financial assistance, coordinates CBC programs, etc.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 10-16 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 45 days (not including on-site assistance)

test #

Vice President for Defense #

Provides advice on contract/employment-related matters. Approves requests for on-site assistance; secures advocates as required; approves financial assistance in accordance with NSO guidelines; works closely with MicroSearch Corporation to update staff arbitration database; maintains Arbitrator Evaluation Service; acts as official NSO representative in securing legal assistance as prior approved. Attends minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel) and officer meetings (as required). Provides on-site assistance in grievance processing/arbitration; provides training assistance in grievance processing/arbitration as well as other areas.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 10-17 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 27-35 days (not including on-site assistance)

Vice President for Program #

Prior approves, plans and secures trainers for all NSO-sponsored local affiliate training as well as the annual Winter Advocacy Retreat. Prior approves and secures on-site assistance in bargaining/crisis and NSO Crisis Investigations. Plans Representative Assembly program and speakers; prepares report on Program areas for RA. Approves and secures teams to facilitate NSO Crisis Investigations, NSO Internal Dispute Policy, etc. Approves financial assistance to affiliates except for Grievance/Arbitration services. Chairs/co-chairs and attends NSO Committees such as CBC Task Force, Associate Staff, NSO Goal Setting, etc. Attends minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel), and officer meetings (as required). Provides on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates. Represents NSO as directed by the President before NEA and outside groups such as International Congress of Staff Unions, etc.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 5-10 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 31 days (not including on-site assistance)

Secretary #

Responsible for records of all correspondence and meetings of the Executive Committee and Representative Assembly, officers’ and other meetings as required. Gathers appropriate annual data for RA and is custodian of all files of the organization. Maintains mailing lists of local affiliates’ presidents for communication and election mailings. Serves as the meeting planner for the RA, Winter Advocacy Retreat, Leadership Academy and any national conferences/meetings including coordinating registration, trainer requirements, attendee materials designing/writing/printing Delegate Handbook, Handbook CD and Presidents Resource Guide, Retreat registration brochures, correspondence, etc. Assist affiliates with Landrum-Griffin requirements for officer elections, RA delegate elections, etc. Administers NSO Constitution and is the Executive Committee liaison to the Credentials Committee for the Representative Assembly. Attends a minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel), and officer meetings (as required). Provides on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates, as requested.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 15-25 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 25-35 days (not including on-site assistance)

Treasurer #

Prepares and presents an annual report to the membership. Prepares an annual financial statement distributed to the Representative Assembly; prepares quarterly financial statement distributed to the officers and executive committee. Maintains list of affiliates meeting electronic membership update requirements and collects LM forms from affiliates. Maintains membership data for dues/budget calculations. Prepares proposed annual budget and dues amounts. Advises and assists affiliates with local filing requirements for Department of Labor and Internal Revenue Service. Maintains bonding for NSO officers and local affiliate officers. Administers NSO investments. Attends a minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel), and officer meetings (as required). Provides on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 6-10 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 20-25 days (not including on-site assistance)

Regional Executive Committee Member #

Assists affiliates in respective region for all NSO services; co-chairs CBC respective to region (usually meet 3-4 times annually, approximately two days each); may chair/co-chair or act as liaison to standing and/or special committees such as Research, Special Services, etc. Works with appropriate Vice President to assist affiliates in training, bargaining assistance, crisis investigations, grievance/arbitration assistance, internal dispute resolutions, etc. Provide quarterly regional report to Executive Committee. Attends a minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel), CBC meetings (as determined by CBC). Upon request, provides on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 4-6 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 18-22 days (not including on-site assistance)

At-Large Executive Committee Member #

May be asked to assist in any/all regions as necessary; co-chairs CBC as assigned by President/Executive Committee; may chair/co-chair or act as liaison to standing and/or special committees such as Research, Special Services, etc. Works with appropriate Vice President to assist affiliates in training, bargaining assistance, crisis investigations, grievance/arbitration assistance, internal dispute resolutions, etc. Provide quarterly reports to Executive Committee. Attends a minimum of four Executive Committee meetings (four days including travel), one Representative Assembly (five days including travel), CBC meetings (as determined by CBC), Research or Special Services committee as assigned (two days including travel). Upon request, pro- vides on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates.

Weekly time commitment: Approximately 4-6 hours
Minimum annual leave time: Approximately 18-22 days (not including on-site assistance)

Updated on January 27, 2024