United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

In 2005, the National Staff Organization established the NSO Disaster Relief Fund to assist active NSO members who have suffered property damage and financial loss as a result of a natural disaster. Past donations from our affiliates have helped NSO members who have sustained home damage as a result of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and fires. Donations to the NSO Disaster Relief Fund could help NSO members in the future who encounter such disasters as those enumerated above. The essence of this fund is to provide financial assistance to our union siblings who encounter emergency situations. In short, donations from NSO affiliates make vital resources available at a time in our members’ lives when the need is greatest.

In 2013, the NSO Executive Committee renamed the Fund, the Karen Cherry Disaster Relief Fund. The goal of this fund centers on NSO members helping other NSO members in need. Karen Cherry’s (Michigan ASO) spirit epitomizes the goal of helping others. She passed away in September 2013, but her spirit will live on through the D isaster Relief Fund. Karen served as the NSO Research Committee chair. Daisies were her favorite flower.


  • A NSO member in good standing
  • A partial or complete loss to a member’s primary residence due to a natural disaster (e.g. flood, hurricane, tornado), fire, or other disasters as deemed appropriate by the NSO Executive Committee.

Emergency Request

A member’s home that is partially or totally uninhabitable may request emergency assistance of up to $1000 to cover immediate needs. To request emergency assistance, the member should forward the following information to the NSO President, NSO Treasurer, or his/her NSO Regional Director:

  • A completed application
  • Proof of substantial loss, pictures preferred
  • Proof of uninhabitability (e.g. hotel receipts, short-term rental agreement, emergency agency statement)
  • A completed IRS Form W-9 “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification” available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf

The President, Treasurer, and Regional Director will review the request and determine what funds should be distributed.

Non-Emergency Request
A member who has suffered a loss that does not render the home uninhabitable should forward the following information to his/her Regional Director:

  • A completed application
  • Copies of receipts identifying repairs made to the home
  • A complete copy of his/her insurance policy including deductible amounts and coverage determination letters from the insurer
  • Proof of loss, pictures preferred
  • A listing of sources of other financial assistance related to the loss (e.g. GoFundMe accounts, FEMA assistance, HUD assistance, Religious/Community assistance, etc.)
  • A completed IRS Form W-9 “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification” available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf

The information will be shared with the NSO Executive Committee at its next meeting for review and action.


  • No member may receive assistance more than once every five (5) years, emergency and non-emergency requests resulting from the same incident shall be considered a single request
  • No member may receive more than $5000 of aggregate assistance from the fund per occurrence
  • Losses that occur to structures other than the home essential to security and/or safety of the property (e.g. fences, trees, etc.) may receive assistance up to $500

Additional Information

  • The Karen Cherry Disaster Relief Fund is solely funded by voluntary contributions from NSO members. There may be occasions when a request may be reduced or denied due to fund limitations.
  • Benefits from the fund are considered taxable income. Prior to disbursement, a completed and signed W-9 must be received by the NSO Treasurer. A 1099-Misc will be sent to the address on record at the end of the calendar year and reported to the IRS.

NSO Contact Person

Tammy Whitaker
Region 3 Director

Florida Staff Organization

Files & Forms

