United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

By: Jesse McDaniel, Alabama Professional Staff Organization

Tom Hayden, a UniServ director and treasurer of the United Staff Association of New Jersey, has been appointed to the National Staff Organization Executive Committee in the at-large professional position.  

Tom began service to NSO as a trainer at the 2018 Winter Advocacy Retreat. Three years later, he partnered with Catherine Alexander to establish the union’s first communications committee. Tom led a re-design of the union’s website, helped breathe new life into the NSO Contact newsletter, and expanded NSO social media and videography operations.  

“The decision to appoint Tom to this at-large spot was a no-brainer for me,” said President Brad Darjean. “He has demonstrated a tremendous work ethic which is essential to service on the executive committee. Tom is smart, committed, and will continue to do great things for his union.”  

This seat was vacated after the election of Justin Zartman as vice-president of defense at the 2024 Representative Assembly.  

“I am honored to continue my service to the National Staff Organization as a member of the executive committee, with the finest collection of union advocates in the world,” Hayden said.  

In addition to his NSO and UniServ work, Hayden is a volunteer EMT, a husband to Stefanie and a father of four.  

The National Staff Organization serves as a resource for the thousands of staff members who work for the National Education Association and its state affiliates. 

With its expertise in negotiations, grievances, and training, NSO is committed to supporting its affiliates in all aspects of their work. For those seeking more information about NSO and the services it provides, visit their website at www.nationalstaff.org and follow NSO on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.