There is a vacancy on the NSO Executive Committee, specifically in Region 7. The states that are in Region 7 are:
- Alaska
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Montana
- Oregon
- Washington
- Wyoming
Applicants must be a member of an affiliate in one of the listed states to be considered for appointment to the vacant seat. The person selected would serve from the date of appointment to the end of the 2025 NSO RA.
What does a Regional Director do?
- Assists affiliates in the respective region with all NSO services;
- Co-chairs Coordinated Bargaining Committee respective to their region (meets annually);
- Chair/co-chair or act as liaison to standing and/or ad hoc committees such as Organizing, Research, Special Services, Pension & Benefits, etc.;
- Works with appropriate Vice President to assist affiliates in training needs, bargaining assistance, crisis investigations, grievance/arbitration assistance, internal dispute resolutions, etc.;
- Provide quarterly regional report to Executive Committee;
- Conduct quarterly meetings with affiliate presidents;
- Attends a minimum of four Executive Committee meetings, the annual Representative Assembly, the annual Winter Advocacy Retreat and annual CBC meeting;
- Upon request, provide on-site advocacy and training assistance to affiliates.
The weekly time commitment would be (at a minimum) approximately 4-6 hours per week and (at a minimum) approximately 18-22 days per year (not including on-site assistance).
Deadline for submissions is July 5, 2024.
If you are interested in service to NSO, NSO affiliates and members in this role, send an email of interest directly to:
Brad Darjean, President
National Staff Organization