United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

The NSO Organizing Committee is looking for individuals with experience and/or backgrounds in the following areas:

Who have trained and/or attended Organizing for Power (preferred but not required);
Who have training in other types of organizing (community based, political, etc.);
Must be detail oriented;
Who have excellent communication skills (both externally and internally);
Who have excellent training skills (both in-person and virtually).
Who are also willing and able to serve the NSO membership by:
Committing to attend two (2) in-person meetings per year;
Committing to attend virtual meetings as needed and called for by the Chair;
Contribute to “off-line” work outside of official committee meetings;
Have a positive attitude and be willing to “stretch” outside of their comfort zone;
Work with colleagues from across the country for the best interests of our members

Interested NSO members should submit a letter of interest via email, to the Chair of the Organizing Committee, Edna Jenkins at regionaldirector7@nationalstaff.org. The Chair will make a recommendation(s) to the NSO President for appointment (with the approval of the Executive Committee) to the committee.

Deadline for submissions is October 10, 2021.