United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

United to Lead, to Promote, to Secure, and to Defend

The National Staff Organization has created an award to recognize the efforts of individual members that have gone above and beyond in their efforts to advance unionism and the labor movement. NSO believes that this recognition reinforces the preamble of it constitution, which states; “to promote public education and advance collective bargaining and unionism.” This award was presented at the 2016 Representative Assembly and is titled NBI#16-06. NSO has had a historical relationship with Mother Jones, continues to be a contributor to the Mother Jones Museum, and it was at a NSO RA that the DVD “Mother Jones: America’s Most Dangerous Woman” was first shown.

Mary G. Harris Jones (Mother Jones)

The intent of the Mother Jones Award for Outstanding Union Activism is to recognize activism in the Labor Movement carried out by rank and file NSO members. This recognition of activism will also serve to promote future involvement in the Labor Movement. Award recipients will be featured on websites, newsletters, and press releases to help promote the Labor Movement.

The Mother Jones Award for Outstanding Union Activism is open for all NSO members. Therefore, Professional and Associate staff members are eligible to participate on an equal standing. We encourage every state affiliate of NSO to nominate a member to participate. Each affiliate nomination will be submitted to the NSO Executive Committee who will then be responsible for the selection of the national award winner. The identified recipient will receive a plaque commemorating their dedication to unionism and the Labor Movement.

We ask that affiliate presidents inform their membership of the Mother Jones Award for Outstanding Union Activism, distribute this document, as well as the nomination form to your entire membership. Each affiliate will then implement their own selection process to present an individual for national consideration.

National Applications are due no later than March 12, 2018 and can be submitted to Rose Tapp at rose4nso@gmail.com.