Have you ever wanted to donate money when a disaster hit and didn’t know where to give? Look no further because NSO’s Karen Cherry Disaster Relief Fund that provides help to NSO members when they are in times of need has officially gone live! You can donate wherever you are in the country and you don’t have to wait for WAR or Representative Assembly by clicking on https://squareup.com/store/national-staff-organization.
NSO President Brad Darjean went live at WAR with the ability to make direct contributions to the disaster relief fund via the internet. “This will enable us to fundraise at all times of the year and not just at WAR and RA. We will have the ability to coordinate special fundraising campaigns when disasters hit” said Tammy Whitaker, Chair of the Disaster Relief Fund.
The testimonials below show the gratitude from our members who received funds this past year. Please contribute and help us build our fund so we can continue helping our brothers and sisters.
Thank you for encouraging me to apply for the NSO Disaster Relief Fund after my property sustained damage from Hurricane Irma. I was unaware of this membership perk and was pleasantly surprised to benefit from it. It is my understanding that the fund has been nearly depleted due to the number of members in Florida affected by the hurricane. As such, I have contributed to the fund and urge others to do the same. What a great way to help fellow members across the country! Carole Buxton, Florida—FSO
A year ago, I faced one of those experiences that no one ever wants to have. An electrical fire started in the house I was renting, and I lost everything I owned. While I feel extremely blessed that my granddaughter and I were able to get out of the house safely, I was also hopeless. I thought I had no one to turn to for help and would have to wait for insurance help after a lengthy investigation into the cause of the fire was completed. I was so grateful when I learned about the NSO Disaster Relief Fund. I applied for assistance with the help of NSO Director John Avouris and the OASU President, Latasha Ball. To my great relief, hope returned to my life with the generosity of my NSO brothers and sisters. I was able to find another place to rent and begin to get my life back on track. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Nina Ira-Ohio ASU
I am a single mother just barely getting by. When we lost power for 8 days due to the impact of Hurricane Irma, we lost all our food and I truly did not know how I would replace it. Thankfully, NSO was there to help so when horrific events like this happen to people like me have somewhere to turn. It really saved me. Please continue to contribute because one day it might be you who needs the help. Trina Whitington, Florida—FSO
Make your donation today and help the lives of your brothers and sisters of NSO!